A concise C++ File Access Reference

A blog about C++ programming, more or less.

You are probably already familiar with accessing files in C++ using fstream, but do you know there are at least two other common ways to access files? In this post, I am going to present all three ways of doing file I/O in C++. The goal is to create a concise reference which summarizes and compares all those methods, so that people can choose between them quickly and easily, if needed.

File stream classes

Defined in header <fstream>, the C++ standard library provides mainly four class templates for accessing files as streams:[1]

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
class basic_ifstream : public std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits>;

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
class basic_ofstream : public std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>;

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
class basic_fstream : public std::basic_iostream<CharT, Traits>;

template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
class basic_filebuf : public std::basic_streambuf<CharT, Traits>;

The class template basic_ifstream<> implements high-level input operations for reading from a file.
The class template basic_ofstream<> implements high-level output operations for writing to a file.
The class template basic_fstream<> implements high-level input/output operations for reading from and writing to a file.
The class template basic_filebuf<> is used by the other file stream classes to perform the actual I/O of characters.

FS: open/close

fstream fs {} Construct a file stream object
fstream fs {f, mode} Construct a file stream object and open the file with given mode
fs.open(f, mode) Open the file with given mode
fs.close() Close the associated file

One advantage of accessing files through file streams is the automatic management of file resources using the RAII pattern.[4:§15.9.1]

There are a few predefined file stream object in header <iostream>:

cin Associated with the standard input stream oriented to narrow characters
cout Associated with the standard output stream oriented to narrow characters
clog Usually the same as cerr, except it is not automatically flushed and not automatically tie()‘d with cout
cerr Associated with the standard error stream oriented to narrow characters

FS: formatted I/O

in >> x Read from an input stream into x according to x’s type
out << x Insert x into the output stream according to x’s type

The I/O operators mechanism is the key improvement over C’s IO mechanism, as it is type sensitive, inherently type-safe, and extensible.[2:§]

As you will see shortly, the formatted I/O operators are simpler to use and less error-prone than the unformatted ones. So it is recommended that you should prefer formatted operators if possible.[2:§]

FS: unformatted input

std::getline(in, s) Read a line from an input stream into a string; remove delimiter; do not modify gcount
in.get() Read one character or characters from input stream; do not remove delimiter
in.getline() Read a line from an input stream; remove delimiter; modify gcount
in.read() Read characters from input stream; do not put a 0 at the end
n = in.readsome(s, count) Read all available, or up to count, characters from input stream; end-of-file is not considered as an error
in.ignore() Extract and discard characters from input stream; remove delimiter
in.peek() Read the next character from input stream without extracting it
in.unget() Unget the most recently extracted character back into input stream
in.putback(c) Put the character c back into input stream

FS: unformatted output

out.put(c) Write the character to the output stream
out.write() Write the characters to the output stream

FS: buffering

By default, fstream is buffered. You can flush the output buffer explicitly by calling flush(), or by using the output manipulator std::endl, which inserts a newline character into the output sequence as well.

An output stream is automatically flushed when it is destroyed, when a tie()d istream needs input, and when the implementation find it advantageous.[2:§] For example, on most Unix system, the output buffer is automatically flushed when writing a newline character into an output stream that is a terminal.[3]

To turn off buffering for a file stream completely, one can do so by using the output manipulator std::unitbuf. This flag is set for std::cerr by default. Another way to make a file stream unbuffered is calling the out.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(nullptr, 0) of filebuf class directly, which is the public version of setbuf(). Just note that it has to be called before any I/O has taken place in order for it to take effect.[3]

C-style I/O

The standard library for the C language is with minor modifications incorporated into the C++ standard library. The C standard library provides quite a few functions that have proven useful over the years in a wide variety of contexts - especially for relatively low-level programming.[2:§43.1] The C-style I/O functions are among them.

Thus, In C++, the other portable way for file access is by using the C++ version of the C Standard Input and Output Library, which is mainly defined in header <cstdio>.

FP: open/close

fp = std::fopen(name, mode) Open the file by given name with mode
std::fclose(fp) Close the given file stream; any unwritten buffered data are flushed to the OS; automatically called for each open file when a program terminates normally

std::fopen() returns a pointer to a std::FILE stream object, which contains information about the file. C standard (referenced by C++ standard) does not specify whether std::FILE is a complete object type. Thus, std::FILE may be semantically non-copyable.[5]

Header <cstdio> contains three predefined stream objects:

stdin Associated with the standard input stream
stdout Associated with the standard output stream
stderr Associated with the standard error stream

FP: formatted I/O

n = std::fprintf(fp, format, …) Write data to output stream according to format
n = std::fscanf(fp, format, …) Read data from input stream and interpret it according to format

Using std::fprintf() is unsafe in the sense that type checking is not done.[2:§43.3] Such as:

char c = 'q';
fprintf(fp, "%s", c); //bad: %s should have been %c

Also note, the arguments to std::scanf() must be pointers. For example, scanf("%d", n) is usually not what you want, rather it should be scanf("%d", &n) instead.[6:§7.4]

FP: unformatted input

c = std::getc(fp) Read the next character from the given input stream
s = std::fgets(s, n, fp) Read a line from the given input stream into the character array pointed to by s; do not remove newline character; put a 0 at the end
c = std::ungetc(c, fp) Put the character back into the input buffer; Only one character of pushback is guaranteed per file
n = std::fread(buffer, object_size, count, fp) Read up to count objects into the array buffer from the given input stream

Similar to std::fputc() and std::putc(), in C++, calling std::fgetc() and std::getc() always have the same effect.

Never use std::fgets() or its rough equivalent std::scanf("%s", s)! For years, they were the favorites of virus writers: By providing an input that overflows the input buffer, a program can be corrupted and a computer potentially taken over by an attacker.[2:§43.3]

FP: unformatted output

c = std::putc(c, fp) Write a character to the given output stream
std::fputs(s, fp) Write the null-terminated string to the output stream
n = std::fwrite(buffer, object_size, count, fp) Write up to count objects from the array buffer to the given output stream

In C, putc() may be implemented as a macro, which is disallowed in C++, but fputc() is guaranteed to be a function. Therefore calls to std::fputc() and std::putc() always have the same effect in C++.[5]

FP: buffering

std::fflush(fp) Flush any unwritten data from the stream’s buffer to the associated output device; If given nullptr, all open output streams are flushed

C file output stream is also buffered by default. An output stream is automatically flushed when it is closed, and when a program terminates normally.

Calling std::setbuf(fp, nullptr), which passes a nullptr as the buffer argument, turns off buffering. By default stderr stream is not fully buffered. Additionally, although not mandated by POSIX, the UNIX convention is that stdin and stdout are line-buffered if associated with a terminal and stderr is unbuffered.[5]

FP: C11

The C11 version of the C standard library offers a whole alternate set of stdio input functions that take an extra argument to defend against overflow, such as, gets_s(s, n), fscanf_s() and so on.[2:§43.3] Since, those functions are not supported in C++ yet, I will just skip them.


Another feasible way of accessing files in C++ is using the low level system APIs directly. POSIX is the most standard way of doing that on Unix and Unix-like systems.

Most POSIX file I/O operations are defined in header <unistd.h>, except open() and creat() which are defined in <fcntl.h>.

FD: open/close

fd = open(name, flags, perms=0) Open the given file by name with flags
fd = creat(name, perms) Create a new file with the given permission bits or re-write an old one; equivalent to open(name, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, perms)
close(fd) Close a file descriptor, so that it no longer refers to any file and may be reused; termination of a program via exit() or return from the main() closes all open files

The return value of open() is a file descriptor, which is a reference to an open file description. The open file description records the file offset and the file status flags.[7]

The following preprocessor symbols are defined in <unistd.h>:

STDIN_FILENO The default file descriptor number for the standard input stream, typically 0
STDOUT_FILENO The default file descriptor number for the standard output stream, typically 1
STDERR_FILENO The default file descriptor number for the standard error stream, typically 2

FD: formatted I/O

This one is simple, as there is no formatted I/O operations among the low level POSIX I/O functions.

FD: unformatted input

n = read(fd, buffer, count) Read up to count bytes from given file into the buffer

FD: unformatted output

n = write(fd, buffer, count) Write up to count bytes from the buffer to file

FD: buffering

Unlike the C standard library and C++ standard library, there is no buffer at the application level when using the POSIX APIs to access files directly. You have to create and maintain your own buffers if needed. However, there usually are buffer cache at the kernel level.

Also note, a successful close() does not guarantee that the data has been successfully saved to disk, as the kernel uses the buffer cache to defer writes. Typically, filesystems do not flush buffers when a file is closed. If you need to be sure that the data is physically stored on the underlying disk, use fsync(). (It will then depend on the disk hardware at this point.)[7]


In today’s post, we have talked about how to perform file I/O operations in C++ by using the file stream classes, the C-style I/O functions and the POSIX file APIs. Each method has it own quirks and advantages, so sometimes it could be difficult to choose the right one to use. And one of the purposes of this concise reference is to try to make this process easier.


  1. Input/output library
  2. The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition (#ad) by Bjarne Stroustrup
  3. The GNU C++ Library: Chapter 13. Input and Output: Stream Buffers
  4. The C++ Standard Library, Second Edition (#ad) by Nicolai Josuttis
  5. C-style file input/output
  6. The C Programming Language, Second Edition (#ad) by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
  7. Linux manual pages: Section 2